About Me

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Most of you know that I came from a big family ~ 7 kids! No, we are not Catholic. Yes, we had the same parents. (Those are usually the two questions people ask when they hear "7 kids?".) Most of you also know that my mom was sick for years. I am the second oldest, so I did a lot of the care-taking of the younger kids. I learned to cook when I was 10. I remember the first thing I cooked with my dad was Tacos. I loved cooking. Then, there was the baking. I made all the desserts and the b-day cakes for everyone's b-day, including mine. And I loved it! Another thing I remember is my grandmother making the biggest dessert spreads ever at the holidays. She made sure that every person there (we are talking, like, 30+ people) had their favorite dessert. I remember visiting her when I was 20. We cooked & baked all week. I never felt as close to her until then. We had this bond now - baking! I learned so much from her. I think it fueled my love of baking ~ and cooking! Now, at the Holidays, I make sure to prepare everyone's favorite dessert, no matter how many attend. It just wouldn't be the Holiday's if you didn't have your favorite pie, cake, cookie or candies!!

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Tasty Treats in Tahoe

Let's get this party started....

OK- so I'm in Tahoe on my 3rd annual trip with Emily, Nathan and Dione & her girls, Amanda and Alyssa. This year, we decided to hold a "Mini Cooking Camp" with the kids. I have a ton of kid-friendly recipes that I use at Camp Hideout (my day care summer camp program) on ~ drum roll please.... Tuesdays, of course!! Some of these recipes originated from good ol' Gram ~ OK, not necessarily my Gram, but definitely somebody's Gram! :)

Anyway, each day, the kids are preparing & cooking at least one fun, creative, not-necessarily-the-most-healthy-but-definitely-super-scrumptious meal. I will do my best to post each of these recipes, along with some pictures, while we are here in Tahoe.

Then, I promise to faithfully TRY to post a new recipe every ~ yep, you got it! ~ Tuesday!!! When nutrition information is available, I absolutely promise to keep it off this blog!!!

Happy Eating!


  1. Oh yay! Beth is blogging. Brilliant idea!!! Who came up with it? Oh wait, ME! So glad we could take part in your cooking camp. DEEE-LICIOUS!

  2. Yes, yes... it was your BRILLIANT idea. I'm so excited to have even fewer hours in the day now - since this is extremely addictive!! Anyway, it was fun having your girls in my little "boot camp". Hopefully, they enjoyed it, too!!
