About Me

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Most of you know that I came from a big family ~ 7 kids! No, we are not Catholic. Yes, we had the same parents. (Those are usually the two questions people ask when they hear "7 kids?".) Most of you also know that my mom was sick for years. I am the second oldest, so I did a lot of the care-taking of the younger kids. I learned to cook when I was 10. I remember the first thing I cooked with my dad was Tacos. I loved cooking. Then, there was the baking. I made all the desserts and the b-day cakes for everyone's b-day, including mine. And I loved it! Another thing I remember is my grandmother making the biggest dessert spreads ever at the holidays. She made sure that every person there (we are talking, like, 30+ people) had their favorite dessert. I remember visiting her when I was 20. We cooked & baked all week. I never felt as close to her until then. We had this bond now - baking! I learned so much from her. I think it fueled my love of baking ~ and cooking! Now, at the Holidays, I make sure to prepare everyone's favorite dessert, no matter how many attend. It just wouldn't be the Holiday's if you didn't have your favorite pie, cake, cookie or candies!!

Monday, July 26, 2010

Pizza On A Stick & Mini-S'mores Clusters - Monday, Dinner & Dessert

Pizza On A Stick

OK, we debated the name of this recipe. My aunt was throwing out some pretty good ones, though! Pizza-Sickle, Pizza K'bob (or p-bob's, for short), my favorite was Pizzicles, while Dione's was Pizza Pops... the list goes on! Anyway, super fun recipe for kids ~ to make and to eat!


Croissant dough

Pizza Sauce (or pesto, or white sauce)
Cheese (of your choice)
Olive Oil
Parmesan Cheese
Popsicle Sticks (or skewers)
Aluminum Foil

(or anything you like!)

1. Preheat oven to *425. Line cookie sheet with foil, and lightly rub oil over surface with fingers.
2. Chop all toppings into small portions.
3. Spread croissant dough out on a floured surface; press, or roll out, a bit more.
4. Spread your sauce, leaving a little room around the edge.
5. Add your topping, in any order. Do not make it too thick! It may not roll up.
6. Roll from narrow end to the wide end . Press the sides over the roll to seal.

7. Insert stick and gently transfer to aluminum foil.
8. Rub olive oil over the roll (using two fingers), then lightly sprinkle Parmesan over it.
9. Add any remaining ingredients to the outside.
10. Bake for 20 minutes, or until dough is lightly crisp and golden brown.

Pick up stick and ENJOY!!

Variations: You can also use refrigerated pizza dough and cut it up into triangles. I've had it that way, too, and it was good. But there's just something about those flaky croissants!

Mini-S'mores Clusters

12 Graham Crackers

2 cups mini-marshmallows
6 Hershey Chocolate Bars
Mini-Muffin tin (24)
24 mini-muffin paper liners

1. Put graham crackers in a baggie and crush. (You can use the back of a spoon, rolling pin or side of a jar.)
2. Melt chocolate in the microwave at 30 second intervals, initially, then at 10 second intervals until you get a smooth consistency.
3. Poor the graham crackers and the marshmallows into the chocolate and mix well.
4. Drop by spoonfuls into the muffin liners.
5. Put in the refrigerator to cool and harden

You can cut the recipe in half and use regular size muffin tin. It will make six big "clusters". You can also use chocolate chips instead. (About 6 oz for the full recipe - but you can't go wrong if you have too much chocolate - so the chocolate lovers say!!)

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